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2018-06-23 Paint Roller Tray

A random plastic paint roller tray, we use these and so now we have another one in stock.

Paint Roller Tray

2018-06-23 Kelty Kids Rucksack

A Kelty Kids fancy rucksack thingy for carrying your lazy offspring. This one seems really complicated.

Kelty Kids Rucksack

2018-06-23 Jamis Exile

This Jamis Exile mountain bike was grabbed by a bucket loader and dumped in the scrap metal before we could get to it. Nevertheless we may resurrect it thanks to our comprehensive parts supply, sourced from you know where.

Jamis Exile

2018-06-23 Gorilla Wagon

Grabbed for a friend whose crazy old mother potters in the garden and needs something to assist her pottering. Note this has a tipping bed and ball bearing wheels. Pretty fancy.

Gorilla Wagon

Upon close inspection it needs a new tyre, but that seems well within our technical capabilities and worth doing.


2018-06-23 Fireplace Hardware

These did not show up together, but an hour or so apart. First a set of fire irons, possibly with an interloper steel poker in there.

Fireplace Hardware

Next a set of heavy brass andirons.

Fireplace Hardware

A friend will be taking these and if he is late picking them up they will be scrapped for the brass.


2018-06-23 Cast Iron Pans

A small nest of cast iron pans, including some older griswolds and such. To be investigated when we have the time.

Cast Iron Pans

2018-06-23 Brass Bowl

This Brass bowl is quite thick and substantial. If you want it for your aspidistra or whatever let us know, otherwise it is scrap brass.

Brass Bowl

2018-06-23 Baby Jogger City Mini

A Baby Jogger City Mini GT, all in very nice condition and ready for a new small human to be carried around.

Baby Jogger City Mini

2018-06-16 Uppababy Stroller

One Uppababy Vista stroller in nice condition, complete with car seat holder attachment and hood for such. This was discarded in general waste, i.e. the pit, for those who know the particular location we found

Uppababy Stroller

We despair at the disgusting entitled laziness of many people in our vicinity. But not totally, as clearly we act as their environmental conscience.


2018-06-16 Scotts Mower

Yet another Scotts reel lawn mower. Brand new, never used. It was shipped with some assembly required and the purchaser was utterly incompetent and made a half assed effort to assemble it. At this point they tossed the whole thing in the trash, minues a few small pieces. Once we had custody, we had to take out all the bolts and fix things up. The little retainer rings were missing for the handle mount but we got those at our friendly neighourhood hardware store and now have a new mower for anybody who needs one.

Scotts Mower

Reason for discard: customer too stupid for some assembly required.


2018-06-16 Mongoose BMX

A random Mongoose BMX. One broken pedal was an easy fix from our spares department. Shown after a quick wash to get the dust off.

Mongoose BMX
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